About me.

Hi and welcome to my website!

I am currently focused on content creation as a YouTuber and Instagrammer helping others find happiness by achieving their fitness goals, healing their bodies using ancestral meals and tools, mindset shifts, exercise, music and leveraging fashion and beauty. An equally important component of my work focuses on antiaging & framing the aging process as a chronic disease that we can eventually reverse & cure. Working towards life extension heals us from the psychological trauma of knowing we will die.

In addition, I hold a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition from the University of Miami. I'm a licensed dietitian, certified personal trainer and an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certified Exercise Physiologist. I also currently teach nutrition at Miami Dade College.


About me (Longer version).

  • I grew up in Lebanon, and I lived in survival mode up until my boyfriend dumped me because I went into a deep depression after graduating and seeing the hopeless future for me over there. This expedited my leaving Lebanon on a 1-way ticket to Miami, where I got my Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition from the Uni of Miami.

  • I used to struggle with my weight, anxiety, depression, & acne which led me down a VERY LONG road to finally putting my health together by following a mostly carnivore diet. (I have filmed YouTube videos on how I maintain a 30 lb weight loss, with all the tips to help you out).

  • I struggled with addiction (binge eating, sugar addiction), and I finally cracked the code by remembering the work I did for my doctoral dissertation (how exercise cures the root cause of addiction, which is a low BASELINE dopamine level). This led me to revisit my research, and put together a guide, DOPAMINE BRAIN, that teaches people how they, too, can raise their baseline dopamine levels so they can finally have food freedom, higher productivity, and freedom from any and all addictions.

  • I was on the first ever TV show filmed on the Carnivore Diet called Reversed TV docuseries/reality TV. It was directed by Charles Mattocks, who happens to be the nephew of the late Bob Marley! I was on the show along with other prominent figures in the Carnivore community such as Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, Dr. Robert Kiltz, and Bella from the @steakandbuttergal.

  • I was able to hit 6-figures with my online brand, and that led me to finally quit my Nutrition Professor job at Miami Dade College so I can focus fully on research, content creation, and music. I also wrote a guide on how I did it, 100K Social Media Success guide.

  • Which brings me to another passion of mine, which is being a performer. I have songs that you can check out on Spotify. I left them all under my name, Dr. Sarah Zaldivar, but I might change that to IDUNA in the future. Iduna is the Norse goddess of longevity, so it would be cool if I use that as my musical name... we’ll see.

  • I speak 3 languages: English, Arabic, & French.

  • My favorite color is pink, preferably with a glitter accent :).

  • I am terrified of sharks and alligators, and the algorithms know that so they bombard me with every single video on these attacks lol.

(Last edited 4/23/2024)

Yes, that’s still me in the picture above. I am usually either a brunette with light grey contacts or platinum blonde with brown eyes. Those are my two favorite looks :).

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you found something that will add value to your life :)!

P.S. More of my story on Orlando Voyager: https://orlandovoyager.com/interview/meet-sarah-zaldivar/